Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Chapter One

beep beep beep.
It was 7:30 in the morning of September 6th. Cassie Shafer's first day of seventh grade. And she was ready as ever.
beep beep
Now what was that? My alarm! I can't be late! Cassie thought. As soon as she realised it was the alarm she got up. She placed her index finger on the snooze button.
The beeping stopped. Cassie looked around. Out her window she saw the the bright yellow curtains and the sun shining through. The sun is bright for fall Cassie thought.
"Cassie! Are you up yet?" a high musical voice called. That's mom.
"Ya! I'm getting ready!" Cassie said back.
Okay. Well what am I going to wear? She stared into her closest clueless.
Got it!
She grabbed her flare jeans and a blue top from aeropostale. Put it on quickly and ran out to the bathroom.
My brush. Where is it!
"Brittney! Where's the brush?" Cassie screamed. Brittney was Cassie's little sister, she too was going to school. Grade 3, of course.
"In the drawer! Are you blind?" Brittney said as she pushed the bathroom door open.
"No I'm not. Bye." Cassie responded.
Brittney turned around and stomped out. Cassie heard her mumble "Whatever." under her breath.
Cassie brushed her long brown hair for a long time. Once in a while she would push
her side bags here and there. Once finished she stared into the mirror. Cassie Shafer wasnt the best in show but she was decent. She had the hair and the big brown eyes along with her long eyelashes.
All she hoped for was not to be that different in school.
"Cassie! Hurry and get breakfast." Brittney screamed from downstairs. Cassie ran out and looked down from the railings. All she saw was a little version of her but shorter hair and wearing a yellow dress looking up.
"Ya. I'll be there" Cassie reponsed.
She ran to her room and grabbed her new brown sway backpack from roots and then went down the stairs.
Breakfast with Brittney was usually slient. Cassie had her Ego waffles and Brittney with her cereal. Cassie glanced at the clock 8:20.
"We got to get ready now." Cassie said as she walked to put her plate in the sink.
Brittney put her bowl inside the sink as well and walked to the front of the house, following behind her was Cassie.
Summer was good as ever but it was going to be over eventually. Cassie bought new converse in July and she was happy. She knew that converse was what she would where on the first day and that's what she wore.
Everyone was ready. Cassie with her green and blue aero sweater and Brittney with her elegant jacket.
Off they went.
In three to five minutes they were there. The bus stop, not the school of course. There you would she was Julia Costa. Julia was short like Cassie but shorter by an inch or two. She had curly hair but never liked to show it, so she always straighten it. Today she was wearing jeans and a pink shirt. She was ready.
"Hey Cassie." Julia said as Cassie approached.
"Hey Julia."
"Grade Seven."
"Ya I know."
" I can't wait to see everyone, I wanna see how they look, maybe some got hotter and-"
"BUS!" A small voice called. Lilly. Brittney's friend.
Everyone's head jerked. There, we saw was a big bus with red flashing lights and it was approaching.
"Grade 7 here we come." Julia said.
Soon the bus was in front of them.
"Ya" Cassie said. And walked onto the bus.

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